A model’s composite card is a tangible card that usually has the model’s headshot on the front and two or three images on the reverse. Any number of images can be displayed but the number chosen will restrict the size of the images.
A standard size card has always been A5 but recently several other formats, such as 6pp A5 (three A5 portrait panels side by side) and A6 concertina cards (multiple A6 panels in portrait or landscape side by side) have come onto the market.
Apart from models they can be used by actors and photographers or anybody who wants to promote themselves or their products in an innovative way. After all, when confronted with numerous composite cards in the same format having something different is always a good thing.
Typically, you would include as many of your best images on your comp card (as they’re also known) as your chosen card will allow, and don’t forget to leave space for your vital statistics (height, bust size, waist, hips, clothing size, shoe size, hair and eye colour), and your modelling agency information. Remember that these cards will be your one and only chance to make a really good first impression so do give it a lot of thought and take as much time as you need to perfect the card before handing it out to agencies.
We would advise printing them out on thick card stock and always having them with you so you can hand them out during auditions and castings to potential clients. Check out some examples for inspiration on Pinterest.